This work deals with physicality, transformation, transience and fragility of the human body. It raises questions about the current debate about designer-babies and the optimisation of humans through genetic engineering.
It's a series about new concepts of what a body could be or become. This creates elements like Mimi, which act as a carrier of the personalized cell information, ideally live at home as a pet and, with good care, are always ready to use as a spare body part.
Silicone, latex, ceramic raw fire, wood, foam, chrome steel, spandex, oil on linen
MIMI 0.47
Version 0.47 in the process
Photography by Philipp Hänger at Kunsthalle Basel, 2018
Thanks to Renate Wagner and Claudio Vogt
Animation color without sound 4:00 min. Loop
Installation, Motion, Object, Video,